Boys2Men Mentorship Program (B2M)
Boys2Men Mentorship Program (B2M) seeks to raise awareness about the challenges facing boys and to create safe circles where boys can talk about the events, emotions and experiences of their lives. The program seeks to empower, encourage and equip boys to embrace their transition into manhood. B2M provides mentors and modeling so that young men learn integrity, accountability, compassion and respect that will guide them toward manhood.

Real Fathers/Real Men
Real Fathers/Real Men Mentoring Program seeks to get fathers actively involved in the lives of their children. Our focus is on assisting fathers in general with a keen interest in helping teen and young fathers understand the importance of their responsibility as fathers. For teen fathers, the stresses of fatherhood are added to the many developmental stresses of adolescence. At a time in their lives when they are still in the developmental stages in their adolescent maturity process becoming a father can make or break them as seek to accept and understand this new responsibility. Real Father/Real Men believes that having a strong social support network is critical to assist fathers to become productive and involved in the lives of their children. Many teen fathers have few people to whom they can turn. Often, teen fathers have had negative experiences with their own fathers and lack an extensive support network, especially one that is prepared to help them with the responsibilities of becoming a father. Teen fathers are more likely than other fathers to engage in high-risk behavior such as unsafe sex, substance abuse, and illegal activity. As a result, Real Fathers/Real Men Mentoring Program include components designed to reduce risky behaviors. We address these issues by providing participants with referrals for treatment; we offer mentoring and/or information and small group discussion around reproductive health and contraceptive use, finding a job and career path ways. These fathers are likely to need continued services afterwards because teen fathers are more likely than teens who are not fathers to return to the juvenile correctional system. Real Fathers/Real Men offers a structured environment where participants learn to deal with the evolving role of fatherhood.
Sister2Sister (S2S)
Sister2Sister (S2S) is a safe, loving, giving, caring community of women that seek to promote and celebrate the unique giftedness of all women. Sisters talk, cry, laugh, heal together.